Student debt. Some families assume it’s a fact of life, and don’t think twice before taking out their loans. For others, it is the single biggest obstacle for attending – and completing college. There’s lots of talk about how recent graduates are still struggling to pay off tens of thousands of dollars in student loans. […]
If your school doesn’t offer student payment plans, now, more than ever, is the time to do so. Flexibility within tuition payment plans is a key benefit schools can offer to students, particularly in the face of inflation and economic uncertainty. Flexibility to choose from multiple plans or flexibility within plans is important for students. […]
How do you collect a student balance when a student is still enrolled? All too often schools deal with students who have fallen behind on their tuition payments. When a student is still enrolled, it is in the school’s best interest to maintain a positive relationship with the student. Your school wants to continue to […]
When a student with a delinquent account drops their enrollment, it becomes much harder for your school to collect their balance. Fortunately, there are some strategies you can follow to work with the student to get your delinquent tuition payments. Be Friendly, But Tough You can be empathetic without being a pushover. Students may have […]
Stereotypes aside, how does one market to Gen Z? Choosing to pursue an undergraduate degree (Generation Z) or return to school (Millennials) is no small decision. Both younger generations are largely influenced through your school’s online presence. Here are five tips for you to consider… Paint a Vivid Reality Imagination is key for students to […]
With online tuition software, how can you keep tuition payments secure? Schools can take advantage of many benefits of online tuition payment software. However, there is always the concern about the safety and security of personal payment data. As a whole, online payments are generally very safe. Furthermore, secure, online payments eliminate the risks of […]
The responsibility of paying tuition on time certainly lies on the student. However, how many colleges ask themselves: “How do we create a culture that fosters timely tuition payments?” Creating an environment that encourages and enables students to pay on time is a crucial step colleges are beginning to take. So, how can your business […]
What tuition payment options do you offer your international students? Most likely one of your front office goals is to make tuition payments hassle-free for your students. However, international students can often fall through the cracks when it comes to tuition payment software. Most schools choose to receive international payments via wire transfers. While this […]