Stereotypes aside, how does one market to Gen Z? Choosing to pursue an undergraduate degree (Generation Z) or return to school (Millennials) is no small decision. Both younger generations are largely influenced through your school’s online presence. Here are five tips for you to consider…
Paint a Vivid Reality
Imagination is key for students to picture themselves thriving at your school. Take time to give your website a visual audit. For example, be sure to add attractive photos, current testimonials, short video clips and stories to your website. In other words, can the student picture themselves there? Does your presentation of the campus and classroom provoke a positive emotional response?
Focus on the Outcome of Education
Education is no small investment. Students are choosing to pursue a degree or go back to school with the expectation of a return on investment. Therefore, your communication strategy & website should include talking points such as employment outcomes, job search assistance, and alumni networks.
Have a COVID-19 Gameplan
Things are very much up in the air due to COVID-19. It is very important to be confident in maintaining your quality of education no matter what the semester brings. For example, assure students that you have a gameplan in place if COVID related closures occur. It is important to let them know there education will not be interrupted or negatively impacted.
Answer Questions through Chat
Greet visitors to your website with a pop up chat widget. It’s a low-risk way for them to start a conversation and without having to pick up the phone. Live chat is a growing customer support tool, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased sales conversions. Students need more information before committing to a college, and live chat is one of the quickest and most convenient ways to provide personalized information.

Follow Up By Text
When prospective students submit a form to request more info, make sure to grab their cell phone number. That way, you can keep your school in their mind with a follow-up text. It’s non-invasive and is more visible than email. For example, you can offer options from viewing more info to setting up a call with an admissions counselor.
In conclusion, both the image you present to prospective students, and the means through which you communicate are very important in appealing to Millennials and Generation Z. Hopefully these tips will allow you to better target your marketing strategy!